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Mark Aron

Mark is currently the Multi-Media Manager for the City of Danville and oversees the day-to-day operations of River City TV.  He was born and raised in the City of Danville and a product of Danville Public Schools, graduating from George Washington High School in 1996.  Mark continued his education at Virginia Tech where he graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communications.  Mark began his career in broadcasting in Myrtle Beach, SC where he was a sports reporter and anchor for WFXB Fox-43.  He returned home in 2002 and begin working at ABC-13.  In 2005 he began his career at the City of Danville and started River City TV which was known as City TV 20 at the time.  For the past 18 years Mark has been keeping the community abreast of all the happenings in the River City.  Mark married his junior high sweetheart, Kristen, in 2000 and they have two children Dylan and Mady.


Russell Carter

Russell is currently the director of the Ruby B. Archie Public Library, but his history in Danville stretches back longer than his tenure there. His family moved to the region when he was four and he grew up in the Ringgold Area where he attended Dan River High School and later Averett University. During college, he worked as a facility operator for Parks and Recreation. After graduation, he worked as a sportswriter for the Martinsville Bulletin and then a beat reporter for the Chatham Star-Tribune. After several years of covering the area, Russell re-joined the Parks Department in 2012. He transferred to the library in 2019 after obtaining a Master's of Information and Library Science from Louisiana State University.  He married his high school sweetheart and is raising two boys in Ringgold.